11/23/1995(Yes really, 26 years ago)

I recently came across my 1995 Mastermind Journal where I wrote:

"All I'd like to do.

 All I'd like to see.

 All I'd like to have.

 All I'd like to be."

Then I spent the next 21 days creating a story that would answer those questions-- what would I like to do and see and have and be?

Over the next two years I was stripped of all my material trappings. But I kept on writing in my Mastermind Journal a story that asked the questions: "what would I like to do and see and have and be?"

As my reality worsened, my dreamquest continued to be bright and optimistic. The life I live today, 26 years later, is far greater than anything I could have imagined in 1995. 

Positive visualization coupled with positive affirmations, and a host of mastermind friends helped me to visualize a life that was only limited by my imagination.

I thank God that nobody told me not to dream.

JHM 2021


Just Like Night and Day


Dreamquest Template for 21 days